what we are offering


Why choose EICEbox

Provides a fast, convenient, reliable, economic and an efficient software solution to resolve engineering problem. EICEbox is EICE's software store, where a number of applications (EICEcubes) that helps solve engineering problems are available. It leverages the latest advances in information technology and science by combining powerful engine algorithms with a central database and a HTML5 based user experience. The EICEcubes are available both on the cloud (subscription model) or easily deployed on a client's server (license model).

Primary objective of EICEbox is to provide a fast, convenient, reliable, economic and an efficient software solution to resolve high science engineering problem. See below for list of EICEcubes
1. unitCube

2. PVTcube

3. pipeCube

4. wellCube

5. eqpCube

6. netCube

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unitCube would be your standalone building block for defining units of measure for all the measurable properties that are associated with EICEbox. User has the advantage of defining his set of units for the EICEcube in unitCube.

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PVTcube is a standalone computational engine module for performing property calculations for oilfield hydrocarbon fluids using a standard set of methods.

Includes all standard correlations.

-Black oil/Empirical correlations.

-Equations of state.

Supports single-phase, black oil and compositional fluids.

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pipeCube is a computational engine module for performing integrated multiphase hydraulics, heat transfer and fluid property calculations for oilfield tubulars using a standard set of methods.

-Tracking of batched products.

-Time-dependent transient hydraulics.

-Instrumentation analysis for pressure and temp sensors, flow meters, gravitometers, etc.

-Statistical analysis for assessing the impact of instrumentation sensitivity, modeling uncertainty, engineering parameter variability.

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wellCube is a standalone computational engine module for performing well nodal analysis using a standard set of methods for reservoir inflow and wellbore modeling.

-Inflow curves selection based on IPR types.

-Integrated radial heat transfer model.

-Employs an iterative matching algorithm.

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eqpCube is a standalone computational engine module for managing and analyzing oilfield equipment performance.

The equipment supported are :






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netCube is a standalone computational engine module for performing integrated multiphase hydraulic, heat transfer and fluid property calculations for an oil and gas gathering, injection, or distribution network

-Flow assurance simulation.
a)Multiphase flow analysis

-Field pipeline modeling.

-Simulate production operation process.
a)Start-up and shut-down

-Optimize well performance, identify flow bottlenecks

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